Utah Tech Campus and Community:
Please join us for a special event with best-selling author Alicia C. Curry, a leader dedicated to helping women navigate the issues of sexual harassment, grief, loss, and it’s associated trauma. Curry will be discussing the events described in her recently published book Exposed: A Memoir, in which she tells her “inspiring story of one woman’s fight for a voice in a system where women are voiceless.”
When: Tuesday, October 18, 2PM-3PM
Where: Utah Tech Alumni House
Zoom: https://utahtech-edu.zoom.us/j/84038341060?pwd=M2ZIYkxpVXZ0N0lTNGt5bXRYSjlJdz09
For more information about the event, see attached flier or contact joy.mcmurrin@utahtech.com. For more information on Curry and her services, or to purchase Exposed: A Memoir, visit https://www.aliciaccurry.com/